We can work with any pharmacy in our service area, and can ship medications to hospice patients directly if needed
Pharmacy Information

We utilize the nation’s largest hospice provider of comprehensive hospice pharmacy services, Optum. For home patients, we allow family members to pick up prescriptions at neighborhood pharmacies when convenient. If needed, we mail medications directly to the home. If medications are needed immediately, we have emergency distribution services. For facility patients, we partner with the same pharmacies that facilities use to best coordinate deliveries. There is never a co-pay for medications covered by Hospice of New Jersey.
Our pharmacy provider is an integral part of the Hospice of New Jersey team. By providing us with 24/7 pharmacist access for pain and symptom management consults, educational resources for our team and our patients, and oversight of our patients’ medication profiles including drug interactions, our pharmacy partner helps to ensure that Hospice of New Jersey patients are receiving the most comprehensive and quality care available.
We recommend Epocrates for medication questions. Epocrates is an online resource that allows free registration to search::
- Over 3,300 brand and generic drugs
- Thousands of topics on diseases and conditions with evidence-based content
- A drug-drug interaction checker, MultiCheck
- Extensive disease images library and pill pictures
- Printable patient medication handouts